Friday 3 February 2012

Boredom, what's your medicine?

Well, for me boredom sets in quite often. I work a fair amount of hours so never bored there, but when you finally get those much cherished days off, you find your friends are working, and there is no one to actually go and meet up with like you were hoping. So what do you go and do on that very special cherished day, called a day off?

For me a day off with no one to go and catch up with or hang out with will usually consist of a few mundane tasks of which usually sets my boredom off, only to get worse.....

What do I do, you ask? Well i would usually do the usual, tidy up a bit, grab some food, then what ever else needs doing, clean the car, a bit of shopping ect.... so that near enough bores me already.
I mean, what kind of bloke actually enjoys shopping, even food shopping?
So i finally have some time to chill and do what I please. Normally this ritual would start off with turning on the computer and checking my emails and social updates on facebook and youtube, then heading off to the xbox to play some games. which then turns the dull boredom into one of two things, a downwards spiral of even more boredom leading to an early night, or a fantastic session of gameplay with a few friends on the other end of a mic, which could lead to being part of a great youtube video. Although usually it turns out to be the former, just a downwards spiral of boredom.
Of course you may be wondering why I don't try something different, like watch tv or play another game, but I try and it just doesn't seem to fill the same viod.
Just play the same games with the same people, and you think that should kill some boredom right, but no. I then tend to hit the computer again and just surf the net aimlessly trying to find something to do and eventually call it a night.
So I wonder, how many of you have a similar boredom spiral at times, and what do you do to kill it or feed it? Answer below in the comments.

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