Friday, 9 March 2012

FreebieJeebies is REAL!

FreebieJeebies a site I think everyone should know about!
I have seen hundreds of links around the internet about people asking if freebiejeebies is a scam or actually real.
Well guys this is the real deal, I started over a year ago with them, I signed up with a lot of curiosity just wondering if it was actually real, and I wanted to find out for my self. I took the LoveFilm trial offer, which meant I got to rent a new movie I had actually been wanting to see anyway, and for free, once the trial was over, I canceled my subscription, and then just carried on with the referral scheme.

Yes, I know it sounds too good to be true, and too easy to be real, but just sit back, think about it and take a look, you have to actually do something. You have to complete an offer yourself, then on top of that you have to hunt around and try and find people to sign up on your referral link (which looks like this ) and then make sure they do an offer to get you your completed referral.
So yes it is easy, but only if you know the tricks, find a link, sign up to someone else's link, they get their referral, and do your offer, then just spend time online, posting your link around with a quick explaination of what it is and what it does. Post it on every chatroom, forum, social media or networking sight you are on, tell your friends and family, that way you should be able to get off to a rolling start. Most gifts only cost about 10 referrals. so all you need to do is just simply get 10 people to sign up and do an offer on your link. I can guarentee that it is real, and not a scam, but if you still feel unsure about it here is one video that is living proof of it.
As an added bonus, if you are still unsure about this, just leave a comment, and I promise to get back to you personally within 48 hours and try and help with anything that is troubling you.

So why not give it a try, here take my link, sign up here and good luck.

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