Monday, 30 January 2012


I have never done a movie review before, but I can always sit and talk about one when ever I finish watching it, so here goes....

Redacted- This Movie is set in the Iraqi war near Bagdhad, it is a fictional documentary about U.S. military squadron and teir daily lives whilst serving their tour of Iraq. It is about mainly about a young soldier who wants to get into film school, and is trying to record "redacted" or censored parts of what happens in wars, It is filmed in a first person view of the main Character "Angel (Sally) Salazar" and then later on from the views of his buddies, and also from Iraqi news reporters angles, showing both sides of the story just to add balance to certain sequences of events taken place during the story which levels out the plot very well.

 The opening scene to this movie is quite comical and sets the tone, untill about half-way through where the tone and atmosphere change suddenly. It is a secene where the main characters joke and have a laugh with each other and are introduced with Sally narrating about each squad member.

There is a very good story line and plot to this movie due to the fact that it gives you a closer look and insight to what really can happen not just in war, but everyday life, in any city or town around the world!
The story starts off by showing an average day in the life of a U.S. soldier at a road block checkpoint, with the phsycological and emotional stress those soldiers can, and will be put through each day f serving, having to make life and death decisions with every movement and turn, which can cost the lifes of innocent civilians, or cost the lives of their squad-mates and friends.

One certain scene about a quarter of the way in, demonstrates just how tough some decisions can be, and the aftermath they can cause. An Iraqi man taking his sister to the hospital who is in labour begins the chain reaction of events which leads to death on both side of the war, killing innocent civilians and U.S. soldiers just doing their job. There could be a lot of controversy around this movie if looked at through the right eyes, but at the same time not so entertaining, but eye openning as it gets you thinking about more than just the war and which side is in the right or wrong with every action taken.
It shows you war is not so much political than just barbaric revenge after so long, just think about it, can any one remember why Iraq was invaded in the first place? I cant I'll tell you that, and I like how the director never once mentioned the war as a whole rather than just concentrated on a certain key chain of events and a single squadron.

I will now stop talking about the movie as I do not want to spoil it for you, I think instead you should go and rent or buy and wath it for yourselves, as I believe it to be a very good watch and very much worth the hour and a half it runs for. It is about more than just a war, it shows how even people who can work for the "good" side can be corrupt themselves and cause more harm than good on a whole.

So I would personally rate it a 7/10 and a must see.
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Thank you for taking the time to come and check it out, and hopefully we shall start a budding relationship.

This blog will just be a mix of all different things from food to electricals to gaming to movies and just about anything and everything i think of to post here.

One day i might feel the need to rant and rave about something happening in the world today, the next i might feel the need to tell you about a new movie or about the experience i had whilst playing a game on the xbox, you never know.
As people always say, life is like a box of chocolates, and same to this blog, one day you might get that one chocolate you want with the sweet nougatey centre the next you might just get the nutty one. Anways enjoy reading as much as i enjoy writing.
Thanks guys peace out.